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    xbox 360 Help


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    xbox 360 Help Empty xbox 360 Help

    Post  RigorMortis Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:41 pm

    well here is a little section for the xbox 360, i fallow the 360 almost as much as film so all be posting up help and info on the 360, also with links to tools and what not basicly all ya need for the 360.
    im playing iron man 2 now its pretty good.
    what type of games do u play? did u need help?

    Posts : 26
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    xbox 360 Help Empty JTAG

    Post  RigorMortis Tue May 04, 2010 10:27 am

    Forceload XeX's - _http://www.mediafire.com/?moe3ewwm1yz
    WxPirs - _http://www.mediafire.com/?zzmr5nq2fnj
    Auto Xbins to download XeXmenu or Xplorer360 - http://www.mediafire.com/?bn5u1mi5nwm

    The JTAG/SMC Hack

    There is a new hack which can boot homebrew code in less than 5 seconds. See at the end of this document for a description how the hack works. For now, all we need to know is that this is a new way to exploit the well-known 4532 kernel, in a way which also works on updated machines, unless they have been updated by the summer '09 update. It also works on all hardware types.

    Please also notice that from a functional side, the result will be the same as the KK-hack; it's just much faster, works on more hardware and is more reliable. So it replaces the KK-hack, not less and not more.

    Required Soldering

    The SMC Hack requires bridging 3 points on the motherboard (for trigger the exploit by JTAG), as well as having a way to read & write with your Nand Flash

    - The JTAG points are available for a number of consoles



    Falcon, Zephyr, Opus & Jasper:


    - To read & write the Nand Flash (using SPI protocol by LPT & a printer cable), there is a friendly tutorial here: NAND Reading

    There are other ways to read & write the Nand Flash that are valid (such as infectus modchip)

    •All the diodes used in SPI & JTAG are "switching diodes" proposed are: BAT41 1N4148 or 1N4153
    [edit] Building a Homebrew-Kernel
    [edit] From scratch

    What you need for this:

    * Latest build.py Script from GIT
    * CB/CD-files matching for your Xbox Revision (called CB.xxxx/CD.xxxx here, where xxxx is the version)

    -Xenon: 1921
    -Zephyr: 4558
    -Falcon: 5770
    -Jasper: 6712, 6723

    * Hacked SMC Code matching your Xbox Revision (called smc_hacked.bin here) ATM only available for XENON / falcon / zephyr / opus(as of recently)
    * The 1888 Basekernel (called 1888image.bin here)
    * Xbox 360 Dashboard Update Version 4532 (HD_DVD_10-2006.zip)
    * wxPirs to extract xboxupd.bin from 4532-Update
    * Compiled XELL (xell-1f.bin, also the same file named xell-backup.bin)

    1. Check out the latest free60-tools with GIT

    git clone git://free60.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/free60/tools/

    2. Extract xboxupd.bin with WxPirs from the unzipped 4532-Dashboard-Update
    3. Copy the files xboxupd.bin, 1888image.bin, CB.xxxx/CB.xxxx, smc.hacked and the two XeLL files xell-1f.bin and xell-backup.bin

    to /tools/imgbuild/input (you need to create the folder first). Also create a folder "output" in /tools/imgbuild/

    4. Edit build.py to contain the Secret 1BL Key in this format (Example-Key: 010F0E0C0ED669E7B56794FB68563EFA)

    secret_1BL = "\x01\x0F\x0E\x0C\x0E\xD6\x69\xE7\xB5\x67\x94\xFB\x68\x56\x3E\xFA"

    5. Start build.py with the following command

    python build.py input/1888image.bin input/CB.xxxx input/CD.xxxx input/xboxupd.bin input/xell-backup.bin input/xell-1f.bin input/smc_hacked.bin

    If everything works out the Script should output something similar to this

    * found flash image, unpacking and decrypting...
    ECC'ed - will unecc.
    Found 2BL (build 1888) at 00008000
    Found 4BL (build 1888) at 0000e1e0
    Found 5BL (build 1888) at 000138d0
    * found (hopefully) decrypted CB
    * found (hopefully) raw CD
    * found update
    Found 6BL (build 4532) at 00000000
    Found 7BL (build 4532) at 000044c0
    * found XeLL binary, must be linked to 1c000000
    * found XeLL binary, must be linked to 1c000000
    * found decrypted SMC
    * we found the following parts:
    CB: 1921
    CD: 1921
    CE: 1888
    CF: 4532
    CG: 4532
    * checking if all files decrypted properly... ok
    * checking required versions... ok
    * Fixing up the hacked SMC code with the target address
    * this image will be valid *only* for: xenon
    * zero-pairing...
    * constructing new image...
    * base size: 70000
    * compiling payload stub
    * Flash Layout:
    0x00000000..0x000001ff (0x00000200 bytes) Header
    0x00000200..0x000003ff (0x00000200 bytes) Exploit
    0x00000400..0x00000fff (0x00000c00 bytes) Padding
    0x00001000..0x00003fff (0x00003000 bytes) SMC
    0x00004000..0x00007fff (0x00004000 bytes) Keyvault
    0x00008000..0x000117ff (0x00009800 bytes) CB 1921
    0x00011800..0x00016ebf (0x000056c0 bytes) CD 1921
    0x00016ec0..0x0006cf2f (0x00056070 bytes) CE 1888
    0x0006cf30..0x0006ffff (0x000030d0 bytes) Padding
    0x00070000..0x000744bf (0x000044c0 bytes) CF 4532
    0x000744c0..0x000a33ff (0x0002ef40 bytes) CG 4532
    0x000a3400..0x000bffff (0x0001cc00 bytes) Padding
    0x000c0000..0x000fffff (0x00040000 bytes) Xell (backup)
    0x00100000..0x0013ffff (0x00040000 bytes) Xell (main)
    * Encoding ECC...
    Written into output/image_00000000.ecc
    ! please flash output/image_*.ecc, and setup your JTAG device to do the DMA read from 00000200

    6. Finished! Your ready-to-be-flashed Image is located in the output-folder, called image_00000000.ecc

    [edit] Updating a hacked image

    What you need for this:

    * Latest build.py Script from GIT
    * Hacked Kernel-Image (hacked-image.bin)
    * Xbox 360 Dashboard Update Version 4532 (HD_DVD_10-2006.zip)
    * wxPirs to extract xboxupd.bin from 4532-Update
    * Compiled XELL (xell-1f.bin)

    1. Checkout free60-tools, extract xboxupd.bin as described above
    2. Copy files hacked-image.bin, xboxupd.bin and xell-1f.bin to /tools/imgbuild/ and create a folder "output" there
    3. Start build.py with following command

    python build.py hacked-image.bin xboxupd.bin xell-1f.bin

    4. Finished! Your updated hacked-image was written into the output directory and is ready to be flashed.

    Alternative: If you are using XeLL-compile after 31. August 09 you could use the USB-Update feauture.

    1. Format a compatible USB-Stick to FAT16/32.
    2. Put 'xell-1f.bin' renamed to 'updxell.bin' into the Root of the USB-Stick.
    3. Turn on XeLL-Xbox360 with attached USB-Stick.
    4. XeLL should recognize USB-Stick and tell you '* found XeLL update. press power NOW if you don't want to update.'
    5. Wait for XeLL to tell you '*update done' and plug out the USB-Stick so it won't upgrade on next startup.
    6. Reboot Xbox360 and enjoy fresh XeLL Smile

    [edit] Extracting SMC/CB/CD from a hacked image

    What you need for this:

    * Latest build.py Script from GIT
    * Hacked Kernel-Image (hacked-image.bin)
    * Xbox 360 Dashboard Update Version 4532 (HD_DVD_10-2006.zip)
    * wxPirs to extract xboxupd.bin from 4532-Update

    1. Checkout free60-tools, extract xboxupd.bin as described above
    2. Copy files hacked-image.bin and xboxupd.bin to /tools/imgbuild/ and create a folder "output" there
    3. Start build.py with following command

    python build.py hacked-image.bin xboxupd.bin

    4. Finished!Decrypted SMC, CB and CD data was written into the output directory

    [edit] Build a full 16MB Image out of the small one created by build-script

    Just use this simple command (input/backup.ecc is your nand backup, and output/full.ecc is a 16MB image you can flashخوبه)

    cp input/backup.ecc output/full.ecc; dd if=output/image_00000000.ecc of=output/full.ecc conv=notrunc
    Using the 1920to1921 script

    What you need for this:

    * Latest 1920to1921.py Script from GIT
    * decrypted 1921 CB (2BL)
    * decrypted 1920 CD (4BL)

    1. Rename 1921 CB file to "CB.1921" (no file-extension) and 1920 CD to "CD.1920"
    2. Move both files to /tools/imgbuild/input/
    3. Start 1920to1921.py with following command

    python 1920to1921.py xxxx (where xxxx is the CD Version you want to create, i.e 1921, 4558, 5770)

    4. Finished! Script should tell you "great, hash matches!" and write the appropriative CD to the input folder

    Posts : 26
    Join date : 2010-04-28
    Location : Hell

    xbox 360 Help Empty Beginners Guide to Xbox 360 Homebrew & Emulators

    Post  RigorMortis Tue May 04, 2010 10:30 am

    Beginners Guide to Xbox 360 Homebrew & Emulators

    This tutorial explains how to enable Homebrew on the Xbox 360.

    After peforming this hack the xbox 360 can only run homebrew not xbox games or dash unless you install a cynos chip, run the mod f/w on cynos chip and std f/w on the onboard nand chip or vise verser and switch between the 2 depending on what you want to run. If you do update with the latest xboxlive update homebrew will never run on that xbox again even if the update is done after the mod.

    360-HQ.COM, 420Flims, and it's staff, administrators and moderators take NO responsibility for users who attempt this modification.

    Table of Contents
    # Things you will need
    # Getting Started with Homebrew on Xbox 360 – XBReboot
    # Soldering the JTAG wires, and the LPT wires
    # Reading NAND with Nandpro 2.0b through LPT port
    # Preparing and flashing an XBReboot image
    # Using Xell to get your CPU key

    Things you will need
    - Low wattage soldering iron (+ some experience)
    - Tin with lead
    - Wires (I just stripped old IDE cables)
    - Diodes 1N4148 (people have used others)
    - Resistors 100ohm 1/4W
    - LPT DB25 Male connector (I just salvage from old LPT cables)
    - PC with onboard LPT Port
    - An Xbox 360 with pre 8xxx dashboard and exploitable CB
    - XBReboot (exploit)
    - 360 Flash Dump Tool
    - Nandpro 2.0b (never use outdated softwares people)
    - BadBlockMover from Redlin99 (in case you have any bad blocks on your backup nand image, use this app!)

    Getting Started with Homebrew on Xbox 360 – XBReboot
    In this writeup I’m going to try to explain the beginning users how to get going with homebrew, also in an attempt to get as many users going with homebrew Xbox 360. As it may look difficult and a lot of work to some, I on the other hand did not share this though at all. In fact I learned to solder on an old broken board from which I could still read the NAND with the LPT method. From there on I now succesfully and without much problems, prepped 1 Falcon and 1 Jasper with XBReboot v0.05 8955_1. It’s not really that difficult at all I can tell you, because if I can do it, anyone else could. It’s also been an good learning experience so far and everything is well documented. In this tutorial all you’ll learn is to use LPT to read/write and get XBReboot going. I’m not going to make it too easy for you guys.

    Soldering the JTAG wires, and the LPT wires
    You must first identify if you have a Xenon or another motherboard. Look at the 2 diagrams, and you’ll find out soon enough. (*Note that the red/yellow/blue lines are the JTAG wiring to enable homebrew.) I always do the JTAG wiring connections first. I find it easy to add some leaded solder to the pads as it’ll melt easier than stupid MS solder and makes soldering the wire to it more easy. I also like to add solder to the stripped wire. (*Note the orientation of the
    diodes! Black ring!)

    In the diagram above, I do not require the diode on LPT pin 11, diode is used to get correct flashconfig in Nandpro) NEW Xenon JTAG Wiring ( ^ = diode | = black ring) (The LPT wiring to do NAND dump is thesame on any Xbox 360)

    Note that it is easy to mess up a pad with too much heat! Don’t use heavy duty soldering irons! My wires are around 30 centimer, I do use the 100ohm resistors on the LPT connector (some don’t). Here’s my first setup of a broken Xbox 360 board, just for practice, please use a LPT connector DB25 instead of shoving the wires in the port like this (It did work Wink )

    My First Setup
    My Latest Setup

    After you’re done soldering all wires it’d be wise to check the connections with a multimeter, but I have not yet needed to do this -with my poor soldering skills - I lol.. Also to avoid wires touching, I use paper tape to cover the wires up. To prevent connections from breaking it’d be wise to secure the wires with hot glue, or tape. Here’s my latest setup.

    Reading NAND with Nandpro 2.0b through LPT port
    If you’ve made all the LPT connections as per diagram, and hooked up the LPT Male connector, it’s time to try and read it through LPT. The LPT must be onboard your PC’s motherboard! Download Nandpro 2.0b here, extract it, and install the port95nt.exe driver package. After having rebooted your PC , you hook up the Xbox 360 to the LPT port and then
    plug in only the power supply to the Xbox 360.

    Go to Start > Run > type cmd , hit enter. In the Dosbox navigate to the nandpro directory. Type in the following:

    NandPro lpt: -r16 nand1.bin

    If all is good, Nandpro should find a flash, give you a flashconfig, and it should start to read from 0000 – 03FF It will take about 40 minutes with LPT. (Jaspers have 00023010 flash config is OK)

    If you can’t get it to detect, try out different BIOS settings for the LPT port (What works for me is Normal mode), or look for people having the same problems with Nandpro (Google). Also run through your wiring again. Make sure you hooked all wires up OK and double check connections. People say to remove the resistors as well but I would not dare to say this as it could possibly fry something on your Xbox 360.

    If you did manage to get it to dump, dump it a second time. You’ll need to compare all these dumps to make sure they match. I use Winhex to do a hex comparison. In Winhex also look for the Microsoft Copyright in the beginning of the file. Also get 360 Flash Tool 0.91 to check your nand dump. If you have 2 matching dumps and it opens up in FlashTool you
    can 99% be sure you have a correct nandbackup! (Very Important to have!)

    Here’s what my image looks like opened up in 360 Flash Dump Tool (already got the cpukey)

    Preparing and flashing an XBReboot image
    Here’s you are going to be making an XBReboot image for your consoletype, using your console specific keyvault. You will need to get the corresponding XBReboot image from Xbins!! If you flash the image of a Falcon to a Jasper you’re stupid. Always make sure you are prepping the right image for your Xbox 360 it’s not hard to find out.

    To extract the keyvault from your backup nand image use the following nandpro command:

    nandpro nand1.bin: -r16 rawkv.bin 1 1 (where nand1.bin is your backupnand file)

    To write it to the XBReboot image use:

    nandpro xbr.bin: -w16 rawkv.bin 1 1 (where xbr.bin is your XBRebooter image file)

    I choose not to transfer the configblocks, as they’re causing problems and the image works fine without. This is all you do to prepare your XBReboot image. If you’re done, hook up the Xbox 360 again, and start flashing with Nandpro with the following command:

    NandPro lpt: -w16 xbr.bin

    If all goes well, you should have an XBReboot 360 =) This is all that it takes. Really not that hard and fun to do. Now you can get started with MAME360, Beats of Rage, CPX3, XEXLoaders and the rest that is to come =) Or you could make your own software now. Somewhere in time to come Xbox Media Centre =) Or you could start modding Halo 3, which is a lot of fun.

    Using Xell to get your CPU key
    Once you have succesfully booted into the 8955 dashboard, it’s time to dualboot your XBRebooter 360 into Xell to get your CPU key. You can do this by using the Xbox 360 DVD Media Remote to power up the console (use the Windows! Key) , or by using a wired controller in the rear USB port and holding X to boot into Xell (or you can use keyboard + windows key)
    Xell displays the fusesets. Either put Fuse set 3 and 4 together or put fuse set 5 and 6 together. This would be your CPU key, you can use this key to decrypt the keyvault using Flash Tool 0.91 and figure out the DVDKey and the OSIG string (in case the dvdkey is lost)

    Now what are you waiting for. Get going on getting an exploitable Xbox 360 to do all these crazy homebrews with.

    Last edited by RigorMortis on Tue May 04, 2010 10:53 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 26
    Join date : 2010-04-28
    Location : Hell

    xbox 360 Help Empty Homebrew Repository

    Post  RigorMortis Tue May 04, 2010 10:32 am


    First of all, you'll need soldering skills—if you've never used a soldering iron before, you should train on a less expensive object. This skill level is similar to adding a modchip to a console.

    You'll need the following:

    * Prerequisites:

    * LPT (parallel) port (preferably supporting SPP)

    * Components:

    * 1 × diode BAT41 - There are several diodes you can use. People on xboxhacker.net had the best experiences with BAT41, others used N4148. I (kote) used PH4148.
    * 5 × 100–120 Ω resistors - not a must-have, but it'll protect your box
    * LPT cable - Hollow connector housings will make your life easier. Alternatively, use a bare DB25 male connector and wire.

    * Tools:

    * Multimeter - (Voltmeter/Continuity)
    * Soldering Iron
    * A lot of patience and spare time Wink - A third hand will make your life easier, too

    * Software

    * 32-bit OS/PC - The necessary PortIO(?-Guessing) driver is available for 32-bit systems only. There is a 64-bit port, however NandPro2 compatibility is unknown (22/08/2009). Since many 64-bit systems don't have a parallel port, this shouldn't affect many people.
    * 64-bit Update: Go here. Download 'Binaries only - x86 & x64 DLLs and libs'. Extract inpout32.dll from Win32 folder to nandpro folder. Rename inpout32.dll to DLPortIO.dll (credit)
    * NandPro - NandPro (by User:Tiros Tiros on xboxhacker.net - for reading out the NAND image.) seems to work with Windows Vista 32-bit and Windows 7 32-bit. Windows XP Compatibility Mode or running with administrator rights may be necessary. XP or earlier is preferred.
    * Verifying NAND Dumps:

    * File comparison Utility - MD5SUM, SHA1SUM, (Total Commander)
    * 360 Flash Tool - (there are different versions! The latest is V0.88a CD FIXED [22/08/2009])
    * NAND Compare and Reconstruction Tool - (compare 2 nand images or reconstruct image from 3 bad reads)

    [edit] Steps:
    [edit] Preparing the cable

    First of all, there are different kinds of LPT cables out there. If you got one with at least one male DB25 connector, you will be fine. There are also cables with two DB25 connectors and possibilites to do it without any DB25 connector. However, this tutorial is supposed to be as universal as possible, so we will behave like there are only cables with one connector.

    Well, whatever is on the other end of your cable, cut it off. So you will get a cable with a DB25 connector at one side and loose wires on the other side.

    Now you need to trace the wires in the cable. If you've got a cable with openable plug housings, you're in luck: just open the housings and compare single wires with those on the loose end. Otherwise it's time for your continuity tester. You will need to know which wire goes to which pin at the end. Write down the colour of the wire attached to each pin. Since there are only seven needed wires, you don't have to trace every wire. The following pins need to be connected: 1, 2, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18. In case a pin isn't connected, just resolder a wire from an unneeded pin (e.g., 15) to the needed one (e.g., 14).

    I (some11) bought a LPT Cable (Nikkai LPT Parallel Printer Cable [L79BT]) from Maplins.


    Here is the wire color map output:
    Pin Color(Main/Second) Pin Color(Main/Second)
    Pin 1 Yellow Pin 14 White
    Pin 2 Pink Black Pin 15 Grey Black
    Pin 3 Pink Pin 16 Grey
    Pin 4 Orange Black Pin 17 Purple White
    Pin 5 Orange White Pin 18 Purple
    Pin 6 Orange Pin 19 Blue White
    Pin 7 Red Black Pin 20 Blue
    Pin 8 Red White Pin 21 Green (Different)
    Pin 9 Red Pin 22 Green Black
    Pin 10 Brown White Pin 23 Green White
    Pin 11 Brown Pin 24 Green
    Pin 12 Black White Pin 25 Yellow Black
    Pin 13 Black
    After you've done that, you can cut the unneeded wires at the loose end so they won't bother you while soldering. Strip a small amount of insulation (5 mm should be plenty) from the end of each of the other wires, and twist the loose strands inside together. Tin each wire, so that you get nice and sweet clean wires.
    [edit] Opening the Xbox 360

    [edit] Preparing and Soldering

    Once you have a clear view of the board, it's time to locate the solder pads of J1D2 (red) and J2B1 (blue).


    You will have to establish the following connections:

    Parallel port plug (DB25) component
    Xbox 360
    DB25.1 resistor
    DB25.2 resistor
    DB25.11 diode
    DB25.14 resistor
    DB25.16 resistor
    DB25.17 resistor
    DB25.18 nothing J1D2.6, J2B1.12, or a screwhole


    "Component" means that you will have to add the resistor or diode between those two points. I suggest that you first solder the component on the board and after that the wire to the component. The diode's black ring has to be in the direction of the Xbox board. By "screwhole", we mean a screwhole. (The ground (or "earth") connection we're using is also present on J1D2.6 and J2B1.12, but those are difficult to solder.) Solder the wire from DB25.18 to one of those big reddish rings (where the long screws go through the DVD-ROM drive legs), and fix it with insulation tape (NOT DUCT TAPE! Otherwise you will damage your Xbox). It is important that you solder the diode directly to the board. It won't work if it's in the plug housing!

    This is how you count on a board:


    The square is always 1, in this case J2B1.1. Also, notice the white dot near pin 1 and the labels near pins 2, 12, and 13.

    Another diagram (including LPT & JTAG connections)

    needs pics

    •LPT (parallel port) connections are the same for Xenon, Zephyr, Falcon, Opus, and Jasper (but JTAG connections are different between Xenon motherboards and the other ones).

    Xenon Diagram For Lpt Flashing

    Needs Pic

    New Xenon Jtag Exploit Wiring - Diagrams for a different way to wire up the xenon board

    Needs Pics

    [edit] Checklist

    * Is every wire connected to the correct pin?
    * Are there any short circuits or doubly connected wires? (Watch out for sprawling solder!)
    * Have you taken everything out of the box that doesn't belong in there?

    When you've checked that, plug the parallel cable into your turned-off computer, the power supply into your Xbox, and the power cable into the power outlet.
    [edit] Setting up your PC

    Turn on your PC. It's possible that your Xbox will turn on, too. Don't worry, just leave it turned on. As long as it doesn't start to smoke, smell, or anything else weird it will be fine. Later on, it should turn off the fans on its own, but the LEDs will remain blinking. If it doesn't turn on: don't worry, it doesn't have to be turned on while reading the NAND.

    Go to the BIOS settings and search for LPT mode settings. Tiros recommends SPP/Normal mode in his help file (Nandpro.txt), but the mode doesn't actually appear to matter. If you're having trouble in the next step, give a different mode a try. After you have done that, save settings and leave BIOS. Boot up Windows.

    Now the time has come to unpack NandPro2. In the archive you'll find port95nt.exe (driver) and some other files (e.g. NandPro.exe). Install the driver. If you're using Vista or higher, you might have to turn on XP Compatibility Mode, as already mentioned. To install it, just double-click on it and walk through the setup. There shouldn't be any error messages. Then: reboot.

    [edit] Reading/Dumping the nand twice and drinking coffee.

    Prepare the coffee. Wink

    Windows should have booted up now. Open up Windows Command Prompt (press Windows Key + R to open up Run. Type cmd and press Enter).

    Navigate to NandPro's installation directory by using common commands (cd, dir, and the TAB key for auto-completion). Then type nandpro.exe lpt: -r16 nand1.bin and press enter. If everything's fine, it should output this:

    Testing LPT device address:0378 // address can differ
    Using LPT device at address:0378 // address can differ
    FlashConfig:01198010 // must be the same (except Jasper boards, see next block)
    Starting Block:0x000000 // Starting and ending should be as shown here if you want
    Ending Block:0x0003FF // to read the whole flash [you want! :p]

    If you get FlashConfig: 0012000 try soldering the diode directly to the motherboard instead on having it on the conector side. It worked for iD4rK, and others.

    The Flashconfig is dependant on the mainboard version, other valid values are:

    FlashConfig - System Types
    01198010 - Xenon, Zephyr, Opus, Falcon
    00023010 - Jasper 16mb
    008A3020 - Jasper 256mb
    00AA3020 - Jasper 512mb

    Press any key to continue. It should start to count up addresses. If it starts to output stuff like "Error 0 .. blah blah" something's wrong. Recheck wiring, change LPT mode, or try a different computer. It is possible that there are one or two bad blocks on your NAND (error 25x), so don't worry if you get that error once or twice.

    Well, the reading (dumping) process will take about half an hour. So head to your coffee machine. Wink Unfortunately, we will need at least two dumps to check whether there are really no failures in your dump. So once NandPro has finished dumping, press the up arrow key (or retype the command), CHANGE THE FILENAME TO NAND2.BIN, press Enter, and dump it a second time. Get another coffee. Or turn on the TV. Maybe you have got a girlfriend?

    When NandPro2 has finished the second dump without errors close the command-line.

    [edit] Checking for errors

    First, open up both files with 360 Flash Tool. If it looks like in the picture beneath this, everything should be fine. If an error message "Couldn't open file" pops up, something went wrong.

    * http://www.abload.de/thumb/360flashtool4ld2.jpg

    Second, start up Total Commander. Choose File -> Compare by content. A new window will open. Select both files and click on compare. If they are identical: congratulations! You are done with this. =)

    If not, search for errors in wiring etc. or try a different PC.

    * http://www.abload.de/thumb/totalcommander6zw7.jpg

    While 360 Flash Tool will show you the content of the NAND, it's not a conclusive check whether the integrity is good: it's possible to get a "thumbs up" from the utility even if you have corrupted (and more importantly, vital) blocks. A much better check is to run the resulted image through Degraded v1.1, which will highlight any errors.

    A NAND with bad blocks usually looks like this:

    * http://www.infectus.biz/INFECTUS-BOOK/Tutorial_Eng/Xbox360/Timing_Attack_Infectus/File/Bad_Block_DUMP.jpg

    Note in this example that the bad block information has been located elsewhere, so you *should* be okay. Even so, it's advisable to run a second dump through the utility and see whether this has a bad block (and relocated) in the exact same address. If this is the case, you should be good to go.

    A good NAND dump might look like this:

    * http://www.infectus.biz/INFECTUS-BOOK/Tutorial_Eng/Xbox360/Timing_Attack_Infectus/File/Degraded_1.jpg

    If you get this, great Smile Your NAND dump is about as good as it's gonna be!

    NAND Compare and Reconstruction Tool A nice tool to check/verify your Xbox 360 NAND dumps and potentially even repair them if you have at least 3 'bad' dumps.

    - compare 2 nand images

    better than simply using md5 as it tells you which blocks are mismatched, which allows you to reread only those that are in error rather than the entire chip (speeding up the process) one use of this is when verifying a write by reading back the nand and comparing it against the original you wrote, if you get a bad block just reread that individual block, patch it into the full read and compare again (files are reread each time you click compare, no need to reselect the same files in the gui)

    - reconstruct image from 3 bad reads

    assumes that read errors don't occur in same place each time, which is true for some read errors (e.g. lpt timing problems), if there is a good reason why you can't read something then this may not be true this tool cannot recreate a nand out of nothing, if you give it 3 files full of zeros you'll get a recreated nand full of zeros, always look at a dump to make sure it looks correct (e.g. has a microsoft copyright at the top, once you've reconstructed a nand open it in 360 flash tool and make sure it reads ok there) the tool works by comparing blocks between the 3 files, any block found matching in 2 (or 3) of the files will be considered good, you will be warned if not all blocks can be recovered, in which case you'll need to get more reads or look for a good reason why your reads are so bad

    Official Site: http://www.xboxhacker.net/index.php?topic=13208.0

    Download: http://dwl.xbox-scene.com/xbox360pc/nandtools/NandCompare-v1.3.rar

    (images taken from http://www.infectus.biz/INFECTUS-BOOK/Tutorial_Eng/Xbox360/Timing_Attack_Infectus/pag3.htm)

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