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    VIKINGS Season 1 (2013)


    Posts : 725
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    Location : in a van down by the river

    VIKINGS Season 1 (2013) Empty VIKINGS Season 1 (2013)

    Post  cheech Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:34 pm

    Ragnar and his brother Rollo return from a battle in which Ragnar has visions of the god Odin and his valkyries. Home again Ragnar takes his son Bjorn to Kattegat so Bjorn may undergo his rite of passage. Left at home Ragnars wife Lagertha quickly dispatches two would-be rapists. In Kattegat Ragnar convinces Rollo that raids to the west are worthwhile and possible thanks to new navigational tools but is rebuked by his ruler Earl Haraldson who orders raids into the Baltic as usual and has the upstart Ragnar watched. Bjorn and Ragnar visit Floki a gifted shipwright and Ragnars friend. He has been secretly building a new type of longship which they successfully test. Meanwhile back at home Rollo makes unwelcome advances on Lagertha.

    VIKINGS s1e1 from mr.pink on Veehd.


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    Location : in a van down by the river

    VIKINGS Season 1 (2013) Empty Re: VIKINGS Season 1 (2013)

    Post  cheech Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:35 pm

    After gathering volunteers Ragnar Rollo and Floki embark on an unauthorized raid to England. Lagertha violently objects to Ragnars refusal to take her along. Earl Haraldson has a man killed who attempts to seduce his wife Siggy as well as the blacksmith who forged Ragnars anchor. After a tense voyage Ragnars men land in England near the monastery of Lindisfarne which they proceed to sack. They kill most of the monks and capture the rest to take back as slaves including the young Athelstan whom Ragnar protects from death at Rollos hands.

    VIKINGS s1e2 from mr.pink on Veehd.


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    Join date : 2010-01-05
    Location : in a van down by the river

    VIKINGS Season 1 (2013) Empty Re: VIKINGS Season 1 (2013)

    Post  cheech Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:36 pm

    Ragnars warband returns in triumph to Kattegat where the Earl confiscates the plundered riches except for one piece per man. Ragnar picks the distraught Athelstan and returns home. The monks faith and his vow of chastity perplex Ragnar but Ragnar gathers from him useful intelligence about the kingdom of Northumbria. On that basis Earl Haraldson authorizes another raid on England. Now accompanied by Lagertha and the Earls trustee Knut Ragnar re-embarks post-haste leaving Athelstan to mind the farm and the children. As the Vikings set foot on English soil they are met by the local sheriff and a handful of armsmen who invite the newly landed "traders" to meet King Aelle. Ragnar agrees but his other warriors distrust incites a battle in which the Northumbrians are slaughtered.

    VIKINGS s1e3 from mr.pink on Veehd.


    Posts : 725
    Join date : 2010-01-05
    Location : in a van down by the river

    VIKINGS Season 1 (2013) Empty Re: VIKINGS Season 1 (2013)

    Post  cheech Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:37 pm

    The Vikings raid a Northumbrian village with little bloodshed as the villagers are gathered for Mass but Lagertha kills Knut as he tries to rape her. Back on the beach the raiders defeat a superior Northumbrian force under Lord Wigea sent by King Aelle and return to Kattegat. There Earl Haraldson has Ragnar who claims to have killed Knut arrested and tried at the Thing assembly. The Earls ploy to bribe Rollo to testify against Ragnar fails and Ragnar is acquitted. As the raiders celebrate with Athelstan and Ragnars children they are assaulted by armed men. Although Ragnars followers prevail his companion Erik is killed.

    VIKINGS s1e4 from mr.pink on Veehd.


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    Location : in a van down by the river

    VIKINGS Season 1 (2013) Empty Re: VIKINGS Season 1 (2013)

    Post  cheech Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:58 pm

    Earl Haraldsons raiders assault Ragnars settlement killing all they can get hold of. Ragnar Lagertha Athelstan and the children narrowly escape in a boat but Ragnar is severely wounded Athelstan saves him from drowning. The family hides in Flokis house where the shipwright and Helga slowly nurse Ragnar back to health. Meanwhile Earl Haraldson marries his daughter Thyri to a rich old Svealander against his wife Siggys wishes. Aware that the Earl has Ragnars friends watched Rollo offers his services to Haraldson. The Earl feigns acceptance but Siggys warning to Rollo is too late: Haraldson has Rollo seized and tortured in an unsuccessful attempt to discover Ragnars whereabouts. As Torstein brings word of this to the still-weak Ragnar Ragnar sends Floki to challenge the Earl to single combat with Ragnar.

    VIKINGS s1e5 from mr.pink on Veehd.


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    Location : in a van down by the river

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    Post  cheech Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:59 pm

    The Earl accepts Ragnars challenge and the two meet in single combat. Ragnar kills Haraldson Rollo kills Svein and Siggy kills her hapless son-in-law. After Ragnar is acclaimed as Earl he grants his dead foe a chieftains burial at sea and Athelstan is revolted to see a slave agree to follow her master in death. In the following winter Lagertha is pregnant again Athelstan learns the Viking tale of Ragnark and Siggy accepts Rollos protection and his proposal to marry an earl himself. As spring beckons three of Ragnars ships sail up the River Tyne. After throwing the luckless Wigea into a snake pit King Aelle prepares to meet the raiders in battle.

    VIKINGS s1e6 from mr.pink on Veehd.


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    Location : in a van down by the river

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    Post  cheech Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:00 pm

    The Vikings set up a fortified camp assault the Northumbrian besiegers at night and capture the kings brother Aethelwulf. In a meeting with the king Ragnar demands 2000 pounds of gold and silver as a price for the Vikings departure. Aelle agrees but demands that one Viking be baptized a Christian and to Flokis scorn Rollo agrees. Home in Scandinavia Lagertha rules in Ragnars stead. She accepts Siggys offer of service and suffers a miscarriage. Instead of paying the ransom Aelle has his men attack Ragnars camp but they are bloodily repelled. After Ragnar sends Aethelwulfs corpse to Aelle the king at last pays the ransom but swears vengeance upon Ragnar as he watches the raiders depart.

    VIKINGS s1e7 from mr.pink on Veehd.


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    Location : in a van down by the river

    VIKINGS Season 1 (2013) Empty Re: VIKINGS Season 1 (2013)

    Post  cheech Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:06 pm

    As Lagertha is unable to conceive another son Ragnar takes his family and followers to the temple at Uppsala to attend a great rite to the sir. He pledges fealty to King Horik who charges Ragnar with an embassy to Earl Borg a rival encroaching on Horiks lands. Siggy chides Rollo for not looking to his own advancement. Priests question Athelstan now in Viking garb about his faith. They discern that despite his claims he has not renounced Christianity and they declare him unfit to be sacrificed to the gods. Leif Ragnars follower volunteers in Athelstans place for this signal honor and is sacrificed by King Horik at the climax of the rite together with eight other men and numerous animals.

    VIKINGS s1e8 from mr.pink on Veehd.


    Posts : 725
    Join date : 2010-01-05
    Location : in a van down by the river

    VIKINGS Season 1 (2013) Empty Re: VIKINGS Season 1 (2013)

    Post  cheech Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:07 pm

    Ragnars embassy to Jarl Borg of Gtaland fails as King Horik rejects a compromise settlement about the contested land. Driven by ambition and jealousy Rollo agrees to support Borg against Ragnar. In Kattegat a disease kills many inhabitants including Lagerthas daughter Gyda and Siggys daughter Thyri. Underway Ragnar meets and is seduced by the princess Aslaug eventually she reveals that she bears his child.

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